The bond between siblings can last a lifetime. They may share values, family history and childhood memories. Even a separation that persists for years and takes one sibling thousands of miles from the rest of the family is often not enough to sever that bond. As such, someone who now lives in the United States of America but who has family living abroad may dream of reconnecting with their loved ones. Those with brothers or sisters who still live in another country might hope to help them lawfully enter the United States.
Family-based immigration is an option for certain people who have relatives living in the United States, including some people with brothers or sisters in the country. When can people help their siblings travel to the United States and obtain a green card?
There are few options for sibling immigration
Most of the easily-accessible immigration opportunities focus on immediate family members including spouses and children. People with visas and permanent residents can help their spouses and unmarried minor children travel with them. The rules are a bit stricter for other relatives, like siblings.
However, there are a few programs, like the family preference visa program, that give opportunities to other family members. United States citizens are the only ones capable of securing green cards for their siblings. Proof of citizenship and family relationships are necessary for sibling immigration. The sibling seeking entrance into the United States is subject to the same criminal and medical reviews as any other immigrant.
Those hoping to help their siblings could also help them foster domestic relationships or look for jobs that could help them secure a visa. Learning about different family-based immigration opportunities, and seeking legal guidance accordingly, may help people reconnect with those they love.