Family Law
At The Corona Law Firm, P.A., We Specialize In All Types Of Family Law Matters, Including Divorces whether Contested or Uncontested, Annulments, Paternity, Relocation And Child Support.
A divorce many times is as a result of being in a stressful relationship often of many years and we see people making poor decisions because they are either misled or are unaware of their rights and/or obligations. We help people through these trying and often difficult times and can counsel you as to what to fight for and what not. We are experienced and put our skill and knowledge to work to resolve your case. We will not let you be pushed over.
A divorce ends your marriage even if your spouse wishes to remain married. If both spouses decide to resolve all children and property issues amicably, your case will likely be an uncontested divorce.
If you need a judge to resolve one or more issues pertaining to alimony, child support, visitation, child custody or distribution of marital assets, then your case is likely a contested case. You may qualify for an annulment upon certain circumstances that render a marriage void, for instance, you and your spouse never resided together or consummated the marriage.
An annulment differs from a dissolution of marriage (divorce) in that it is determined that the marriage never occurred. Actions for paternity establish a father’s paternity of a child born out of wedlock. Paternity actions may determine each parent’s rights and obligations regarding their child, including child support, custody, visitation and placement of the parent’s names on birth certificates.
If a parent requests to move out of town or out of Florida with a child, a parent must request a relocation to be granted by the court.
After a divorce or paternity final judgment is granted, the Corona Law Firm, P.A., can represent you in requesting changes or modifications to child support, visitation, custody, an increase or decrease in alimony, and any other obligation related to a divorce or issue involving children.
We can also represent you in seeking enforcement of obligations ordered by the Court pursuant to a final judgment of divorce or paternity action. This is an option for couples who are open to resolving issues amongst themselves rather than have a judge decide.