You have a lot of bills to pay every month, but one of the most important ones is likely your home mortgage. You know that you need to stay current on this mortgage so that your home doesn’t go into foreclosure. Home prices have certainly gone up lately, so buying...
Month: August 2023
Providing The Effective Counsel You Deserve
Photo of the legal professional at Corona Law Firm P.A.
Month: August 2023
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3 common reasons for immigrant removal from the United States
Legally living in the United States is a goal for many people, and there are numerous ways to achieve that aim. Some people use family relationships as a way to lawfully enter the country. Others secure visas related to their educational pursuits or employment. Once...
What should you know about Florida’s new alimony law?
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has finally signed the bill passed earlier this year to end permanent alimony in the state. The battle over ending permanent alimony has been going on for years, with three previous bills making it to two governor’s desks, including...