When you have lived legally in the United States and want to become a citizen, you need to go through naturalization. This process involves testing and additional background checks. You must provide certain paperwork to the United States Citizenship and Immigration...
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3 reasons you need to sign a prenup before getting married
Pretty much everyone gets into a marital relationship with the hope that the union will last a lifetime. Unfortunately, this is not always the case as some marriages end up in divorce. And when this happens, one of the conflicts that most divorcing couples grapple...
Who determines medical matters for your child when you divorce?
When you are married, and your child gets injured or falls ill, you typically work together as parents to get your child the medical care they need. Once you divorce, things can become more complicated. The important thing is still to do what is best for your child....
It is possible to have your child custody orders modified?
Parenting might not always work out, even if you have shared custody of the children with your co-parent. You may find it difficult to discharge your parental duties when your co-parent is constantly flouting the terms of the custody order. In such a case, the court...
Can you file bankruptcy if you’re not a U.S. citizen?
Nobody wants to file bankruptcy – but the protection exists in U.S. law because the government recognizes that life gets complicated. Things happen, and financial disasters can be the result. Both ordinary and exalted people have found themselves filing for bankruptcy...
How common are slip-and-fall accidents?
There are numerous ways that a person can get injured through no fault of their own. Cars often clash with other vehicles, pedestrians or cyclists, causing severe injuries to affected parties. It may come as a surprise, but slip-and-fall accidents are another common...
What is the top reason that people in cars cause motorcycle crashes?
Collisions in traffic occur for all kinds of reasons. Inclement weather could lead to a driver losing control of their vehicle. Alcohol impairment or drugs could affect someone's reaction time. Speeding, distraction and fatigue can all make a significant crash more...
Why is it best for the children to see both parents?
Any time you look into the child's best interests during a divorce, you will find that the modern view states that the children are better off to see both of their parents. This is why there has been such a shift from sole custody, which often just went to mothers, to...
Obtaining U.S. citizenship for a foreign-born adopted child
Many Americans choose to adopt a child from another country because they’re in desperate need of a good home. Conditions in many countries around the world are beyond anything that most Americans can imagine. Children and infants who have lost their parents are often...
The importance of the 341 meeting in the bankruptcy process
Filing for bankruptcy can be a daunting and confusing process. The more you understand about what is going on, the better you’ll feel about the choice you’ve made. The bankruptcy code has a language all its own. You’ll be hearing a lot of new terms. One of them is a...