The period between when you announce that you want a divorce and when you can actually get into separate living spaces can be very awkward and difficult to navigate. Emotions are probably running amok, and the shared history you have with your spouse can complicate...
Providing The Effective Counsel You Deserve
Providing The Effective Counsel You Deserve
How can you become more of a defensive driver?
One of the main keys to driving safely is becoming a defensive driver. You need to do everything that you can to anticipate the risks you face or the mistakes other drivers will make. You should have a focus on safety, which may go above doing the bare minimum. For...
When can a criminal conviction impact immigration status?
Legal immigration is a complex and lengthy process. Individuals have to submit appropriate paperwork to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). They have to undergo background checks and a review of their medical records to ensure they meet...
Why keep a close eye on your child’s behavior when divorcing?
If you are about to divorce then it’s likely you and your spouse have had some difficult conversations lately. What’s more, there is also a good chance you realize you should have had many more difficult conversations earlier. Being able to express how you are feeling...
Defining the best interests of the child in Florida
Every family is different, and thus, every child custody case is different. There are, however, some constants. The family courts in Florida will always apply the best interests of the child standard. This means that any ruling they give or agreement that they sign...
Reasons to think twice before deciding against spousal support
Divorce is challenging at best, and financial stability is often a significant concern. Alimony, or spousal support, can help to fill financial gaps, but more and more eligible people are saying no to post-divorce spousal support. Regardless of why you may want to...
The 3 main driving distractions
Driving distractions come in many forms when you look at individual events. One distracted driver could be turning around to help their children, for instance, while another is trying to take a video with their phone. Both drivers are distracted in quite different...
What is U.S. citizenship through derivation?
As children of U.S. citizens, the dream of becoming an American is within your reach through derivative citizenship. This legal avenue allows you to automatically acquire U.S. citizenship from your parents. It grants you the full rights and privileges of being an...
What happens to debt during a divorce?
People who are going through a divorce often think about how they’re going to divide their assets. However, they should also take the time to think about their debts. Separate and marital debts aren’t going to go away if you’re divorcing. Instead, these have to be...
What testing is necessary for naturalized citizenship?
Becoming a citizen can be a lengthy process. People often need to stay in the United States for years to be eligible for citizenship. They also have to complete the standard naturalization process. That process involves paying a fee, filing paperwork, undergoing a...