Going through a divorce can bring out the worst in you and your ex, but that’s not a good thing if you share children. When children are part of a divorce, the parents will have to communicate with each other, even after the divorce is finalized.
It’s not always easy to have to deal with your ex because of the children, but it can greatly benefit everyone if the communication is as calm as possible. Consider these two tips to help make communicating a little easier.
1: Focus on the children
The children should always remain the primary focus of the communication. It’s easy to let emotions about why the relationship ended take over, but that will lead to tension and animosity. Instead, look at the current situation and think about how to make the best future for the children.
2: Compromise when feasible
There will be times during the co-parenting relationship when you and your ex may not have the same views. Instead of automatically digging in your heels and demanding to have everything your way, look at the solution your ex is proposing. If you and your ex can both commit to compromising regarding the children, there’s a good chance that the children’s best interests can always be kept at the center of decisions.
The parenting plan should have terms about the parenting time schedule and who makes what decisions about the children. Including information about communication between the adults is beneficial. Because these plans should be personalized to fit the circumstances, it may be best to work with someone familiar with these situations who can help to get the plan set up in the proper manner.