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Providing The Effective Counsel You Deserve

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Photo of the legal professional at Corona Law Firm P.A.

How can you become more of a defensive driver?

On Behalf of | Sep 3, 2024 | Personal Injury

One of the main keys to driving safely is becoming a defensive driver. You need to do everything that you can to anticipate the risks you face or the mistakes other drivers will make. You should have a focus on safety, which may go above doing the bare minimum.

For instance, when the traffic light turns green, that tells you that it is legal for you to proceed through the intersection. All that is required is for you to wait for the light to turn green before driving. 

But a defensive driver would take one extra step and look both ways, even at a green light. If you do this, you may see that another driver is about to run the red light. This extra step may not be legally required, but it could help you avoid an accident.

Staying alert

One of the most important things for defensive drivers to focus on is being alert and aware of everything that is happening around them. Don’t get distracted by the radio or by passengers in the car. Always pay attention to where traffic is around you on the road, and watch your mirrors. You can often identify dangerous drivers in advance and keep your distance.

Another important aspect of defensive driving is ensuring you have a long enough time to react. It can help to increase your following distances, for example. It can also help to slow down and make sure you follow the speed limit. This way, when someone else makes an unexpected mistake ahead of you, you have extra time to react safely. A defensive driver stays four or five seconds back, not just two or three. 

Overall, defensive driving is a mindset, and it can help to keep you safe. But you could still suffer injuries caused by another negligent driver, so make sure you know how to seek financial compensation after an accident.