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Providing The Effective Counsel You Deserve

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Photo of the legal professional at Corona Law Firm P.A.

Defining the best interests of the child in Florida 

On Behalf of | Aug 6, 2024 | Family Law

Every family is different, and thus, every child custody case is different. There are, however, some constants. The family courts in Florida will always apply the best interests of the child standard. 

This means that any ruling they give or agreement that they sign off on will be in the best interests of the child. What factors do the court consider when determining what’s in the best interests of the child

Safety comes first 

The top priority of the court is the safety of the child. If there are any potential safety risks, then this will be factored into any rulings. For example, if there is any history of violence, domestic abuse or substance abuse, then the court will most likely not allow unsupervised visitation. 

The well-being of all parties 

The court will also carefully consider the physical and mental well-being of both parents and the child. If it is impractical for one parent to look after the child permanently due to health conditions, then the court can make accommodations for this. 

Upholding stability 

One of the key factors in any child’s life is stability. Before coming to a ruling on custody, the court will try to limit upheaval for the child. They will carefully consider where the child has lived regularly and gone to school. That isn’t to say that relocation with the child isn’t possible, but it must be in their best interests. 

These are just some of the key issues explored when determining what is in the best interest of the child. To find out more, it may be beneficial to seek legal guidance.