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Providing The Effective Counsel You Deserve

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Photo of the legal professional at Corona Law Firm P.A.

The psychology of boredom and car accidents

On Behalf of | Nov 26, 2021 | Uncategorized

Some studies have found that those who suffer from chronic boredom may live shorter lives than those who do not. This helps to illustrate the role that it plays in our lives, and all of us have felt bored at times, to one degree or another. 

This boredom can have a drastic impact on our lives in many areas, including when we’re in the car.  Are bored people more likely to cause car accidents? 

Impulsive people are often bored 

As one expert wrote, those with a naturally impulsive mindset are often bored. This mindset is one that pushes them to seek out new experiences constantly. When they can’t find them, they quickly become bored. 

This could be why someone is more likely to pick up their phone and check social media at a red light. They’re doing anything they can to try to alleviate this boredom. They know that looking at their phone while they drive is dangerous but reach a point where they’re just conditioned to search for something else to draw their attention. 

Another part of the equation is that many people drive similar routes on a regular basis. If you drive the same five miles to work and back every single day, it’s natural that it will get tedious. That does not mean you can take your attention elsewhere.

Have you been injured by another driver? 

It’s hard to avoid boredom, and people are often going to turn to distractions that may cause car accidents. If one of these drivers hits you and causes serious injuries, make sure you know how to seek financial compensation.