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Providing The Effective Counsel You Deserve

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Photo of the legal professional at Corona Law Firm P.A.

Safety tips for cyclists

On Behalf of | Jul 9, 2021 | Uncategorized

Cyclists need to learn to ride as safely as they can because of their own vulnerability. If a driver causes an accident, it is almost guaranteed that the cyclist is the one who will be seriously injured in that crash. Similar to defensive driving, defensive riding takes on a new importance.

This is not to say that you, as a cyclist, are at fault if someone else causes an accident. But your goal is to avoid injury first and foremost, and these tips can help you do it. If they’re not enough and you get injured by a negligent driver anyway, then you need to know how to seek compensation.

Follow these tips when riding

To help keep your accident odds as low as you can, follow these tips:

  • Make sure you always properly ride with traffic and that you’re never opposing it.
  • Wear bright clothes whenever you can.
  • Wear reflective clothes or add reflective tape to your bike or helmet.
  • Do not ride on the sidewalk. It may feel safer, but it actually increases accident odds.
  • Always obey the rules of the road; for instance, stop at all stop signs, even when there is no apparent traffic.
  • Use lights when riding at dusk or after dark.
  • Do not wear headphones to listen to music, as it can distract you and cause you to miss important warning signs.

Again, even failure to follow some of these tips doesn’t mean you’re at fault. It’s not illegal to listen to music and ride, for instance, even if it’s distracting. If you get injured in an accident where the driver is at fault, then it’s very important to understand what legal steps you can take, as you may have life-changing injuries.